ChromaLuxe Fine Art HD printing is a very high definition, high quality dye sublimation process that is able to print onto a variety of rigid materials all with beautiful depth in colour and sharpness of image.

The prints produced are simply stunning, producing images comparable to traditional photographic processes. However there is so much more that ChromeLuxe offers.

Printed in high gloss or satin finishes ChromaLuxe prints are also ultra durable, archival, waterproof, fire, chemical and abrasion resistant. All of these attributes make Chromaluxe the first choice for not only fine art and photographic reproduction but also for exhibition graphics, high end retail displays, interior design schemes and so much more. Because these prints can withstand extreme environments it makes them ideal for interpretation graphics, signage and way-finding.

At MJCP we have a reputation for thinking outside the box and love working with innovators who want to push boundaries, so investing in the ChromaLuxe process was an easy decision for us, the possibilities are endless.

MJCP is a Professional ChromaLuxe Lab.


Chromaluxe London - Gallery and Sales
Chromaluxe Surrey - Gallery, Sales and Production